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Fishers Dentist

Dr. Knowles

Dr. Knowles

We are excited to shine the spotlight on Dr. Sarah Knowles who joined our team at Fishers Family Smiles in April 2022. Dr. Knowles is an exceptional dentist who has continuously proved that she can provide you and your family with the high-quality, personalized care that you have come to know at Fishers Family Smiles. She alongside our existing team of talented doctors and wonderful dental hygienists will help ensure you receive the best care possible.

Dr. Knowles has an impressive background starting her educational career at the University of Iowa Dental School. She then continued her certification at the San Diego V.A Hospital where she completed her General Practice Residency. In addition to her academic accolades, Dr. Knowles is certified in Invisalign & Botox.

Dr. Knowles’ passion for dentistry can be seen in the strong bonds she makes not only with her patients but with members of her team. “This profession has given me the opportunity to blend science, art, and working with my hands but by far the greatest gifts are the relationships it provides,” she said. When she is not in the office providing her clients with the best care, Dr. Knowles enjoys reading and gardening as well as spending time with her husband and two sons. She and her family are big football fans as her husband is the defensive coordinator at Butler University. (Go Bulldogs!)

We are confident that the patients of Fishers Family Dentistry will be in good hands with Dr. Knowles. We encourage you to get to know her if you haven’t had a chance to already. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 1(317) 578-1933.

We look forward to seeing your smile soon!